Cost was certainly once a factor in the upgrade process. When I bought my full HD plasma TV it put a serious hole in my pocket, but even the cheapest TV you can buy now is at the very least HD ready and more than likely has a full 1080p display, and quality sets from reputable manufacturers have plummeted in price over the past five years. Speaking personally, I cannot remember the last time I visited a house that didn't have a flat screen TV in the living room, which means that most viewers have the expensive aspect of the HD upgrade in the homes already. Perfectly good Blu-ray players can now be picked up for little more than the cost of a couple of discs (multi-region players cost considerably more, but that's a subject for a different discussion), and being backwardly compatible can still be used to play all those DVD titles in your collection. It's also worth noting that a fair few of those who've not got around to buying a Blu-ray player may unknowingly have one in their possession in the shape of a PlayStation 4 or X-Box One gaming console, both of which are capable of playing Blu-ray discs using their built-in software.
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