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A lot of people may have used IDA Pro in the past, but not a single one would likely admit to using it at the same time as HEX-Rays. It's a fairly redundant piece of software, and it is hardly necessary. What makes IDA Pro unique? Well, for one thing, it can decompile code from quite a wide range of different file formats—from .text files to .hexadecimal files—and make it 100% pure machine code. That's because IDA has been around since the 1980s and has been creating static binary cross references since 1988! In addition to that, it can also disassemble code into readable assembly language instructions on-the-fly. This is what it does behind the scenes, and you can use this information to discover how your malware works! You can also have IDA running at all times, which you can then use extensively to analyze any suspicious file that comes across your radar. Because of the paucity of parameters in this title, we will not go into much depth about how to configure IDA Pro for your analysis needs. But we will say that it is quite easy to do so. If you are interested in learning more about how to configure IDA Pro (and the other utilities that come with it), then please take a look at its webpage ( It can be a little overwhelming at first, but with a little patience and dedication to the task, you will eventually get the hang of it. IDA Pro comes with a large number of built-in plugins which you can use to quickly identify dangerous code in your malware. These plugins can also help you to increase your analysis speed by providing hints for decrypting strings in the program, identifying obfuscated code, and a lot more. But perhaps their most useful feature is that they automatically create references from the decompiled code back into the disassembly whenever possible. This allows IDA Pro to reconstruct an auto-generated function signature from its actual machine code equivalent every time it is called. IDA Pro also has an in-built EXE compressor that makes it possible for you to save your work to a compressed EXE. This EXE compressor is not exactly the most robust thing around, but it works fairly well because of its ability to automatically decompress other IDA Pro files if you open them up in the future. It is generally recommended, however, that you decompress any compressed EXE before analyzing it to avoid confusing IDA Pro's EXE decompiler with the original function signature the compressor generated. You can import raw .hexadecimal files into IDA Pro for analysis if they are in a format that allows you to do so (for example, .asc or .elf). If the file's extension is not in that list however, you can always import it into a temporary .tnm file and then convert it into the appropriate format afterwards. IDA Pro is an extremely powerful tool for reverse engineering malicious applications. It can automatically detect encrypted strings throughout your malware, allowing you to easily put together what the encrypted strings mean in plain-text (if they represent something meaningful). It can also disassemble code back to its original machine language form without having to do any manual work on your part. cfa1e77820