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This post will walk you through the steps to decoding Audi's complicated VIN system. The VIN number for this car is AUCU00A1AN638593-AUZU01AXN519514. Step One: To find the model year, take the first two digits of the VIN and look them up in this table: Model Year Table: AAA = 1990 AAB = 1991 AAC = 1992 AA2 = 2018 AB2 = 2019 If your first two digits are "AB2", then you have a 2019 Audi S5 Sportback! You can also use a more accurate decoder from our friends over at au. Step Two: Find the Audi part number for your engine. This is an easy check since the codes are always four digits long. Just look up your engine in the table below: Engine Number Listing: AB2 = 2.0T "DTM" BAH = 4.2L TFSI BAP = Premium Plus "R8" BAU = 3.0L TDI "Turbo" BEH = 4.2L TFSI BLU = 2.0T FSI BWP = 3.0L TDI "Sport" BWT = 4. 2L TFSI C = 2.0T FSI CA8 = 3.2L TDI CCDA = 3.2L "Euro" CDJA = 3.0L TDI "Euro" CEKA = 4.2L TFSI with S-Tronic transmission CLBH = 4.2L TFSI CLSM = 2.0T FSI S-Line CMCX= 2.7L TDI with Manual CNGH= 4.2L TFSI with Manual CSKA= 4.2L TFSI with S-Tronic transmission CTKA= 2. 0T FSI with S-Tronic transmission CZCX= 2.7L TDI with S-Tronic This gives us the Audi part number: AB2 = 2.0T FSI "DTM" ( DTM = Touring, Touring Plus, TDI (Turbo Direct Injection) and TFSI (Typical Fuel System Injection) The actual Audi part number for this engine is BAH - it's a bit long but you'll eventually memorize it! Step Three: Look up this code in our engine article Adios! Step Four: Check for exhaust mounting system codes. These are always four characters long and consist of two letters which identify the type of exhaust. Here's the complete list of exhaust codes: Exhaust Type Code List: A = Muffler B = Turbo C = Sport D = Dual-Tip E = Heat Insulation or Ceramic G = High-Flow H = Caramelized and Spark Plug Coating J = Catalytic Converter K = Separate Catalytic Converter L = Catalytic Converter and Heat Insulation M = Separate Catalytic Converter and Heat Insulation N=Single Tip O=Caramelized P=Ceramic Q=Reinforced with Spark Plug Coating R=Dual Tip S=Caramelized T=Sport U=Caramelized V=Ceramic W=Separate Cataly. cfa1e77820